Aztec Ruins National Monument

World Heritage Site

Located 7 miles north of Bloomfield in our neighboring city Aztec, Aztec Ruins National Monument was designated a World Heritage site in 1987 as part of Chaco Culture World Heritage site because it preserves important Pueblo architectural and engineering achievements. Aztec Ruins was built as a public ceremonial, economic, and political center around 1100 AD and remained occupied by the ancestral Pueblo people until 1300 AD.

Fee Free Park

As of May 1, 2018, the $5 admission fee per person is no longer charged.
Entrance into the Aztec Ruins National Park is now Free!

Aztec West Trail

Today you can follow their ancient passageways to a distant time through a self-guided tour that is approximately 45 minutes long. Explore a 900-year old ancestral pueblo Great House of over 400 masonry rooms and North America's largest reconstructed great kiva. Look up and see original timbers holding up the roof. Search for the fingerprints of ancient workers in the mortar.

Ranger Tours and Talks

During the summer months, there are ranger led talks and tours of the ruins and cultural demonstrations. Annually there are special events such as Evening of Lights.

Picnic and Trails

Picnic pavilions are available in the shade of cottonwood trees, view a heritage garden, walk the Old Spanish Trail or the native plants trail.

Visitor Center and Museum

In the museum, view ancient pottery, stone tools, woven yucca textiles, an original ladder and watch the video "Footprints of the Past" to hear the perspectives of archaeologists and Native American scholars. Shop for books, postcards and traditional crafts at the Visitor Center.

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